Orchestre de chambre de Luxembourg

Orchestre de chambre de Luxembourg

Feel the music of a symphony for large orchestra, sit between all these different sounds, be part of a homogenious sound, share this very high exigences, feel the air from the other instruments, search for the perfection of the performance and hear the breath and the heartbeat of the collegues around you. All this are unforgettable moments you can’t nearly explain. Everybody needs to feel it by himself.

For Aniela one of the big goals in her life was to share and feel all this. After convincing the orchestra members and the conductor David Reiland of her flute playing in an audition in july 2014, she started her first season in september of the same year. For Aniela a big dream came true. She just loves to be with all these friends and collegues, to play music on this very high level and to create a unit.

Since a few years, the OCL has a successful cycle of concerts at the Philharmonie Luxembourg.

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Orchestre de Chambre du Luxembourg

261 route de Longwy
L-1941 Luxembourg
Tél. +352 621 263 264

